Monday, July 11, 2011

This Morning in Big Cottonwood: "Steorts' Ridge" 5.6

My early drive to meet Austin went quick, there is something about a cool summer morning with some tunes and a drive that starts the day off right. There is some type of calm that comes with a drive to the mountains. I arrived at the park and ride and jumped in his car. We drove up Big Cottonwood Canyon to a route called Steorts' Ridge, one that a friend, Chase McMillan, recommended as a good one for beginners. All the info on it claimed it would be great, and it did not disappoint.

We got there and burned about a half an hour farting around on the wrong route. After realizing we were on the wrong line we got all our stuff down and figured out where to go. Austin lead the first pitch and I followed. 

The rock was great, it was a lot more of what I am used to, so it made it easier to feel comfortable when I jumped on lead for the second pitch. There was a crack portion of the climb, something I have never really climbed, that made me feel a bit uneasy. This is what I am loving about climbing trad, there is a sense of adventure in just going for it even if it is easy. This climb wasn't difficult but it was a blast. 

The last bit of the climb was really exposed and fun. There were minimal placements for protection on this section so I am glad Austin lead it. We topped out stoked and headed for the rappel. Such a cool route.

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