Getting a group together to do something like this is getting to be a struggle. Shelby volunteered to come up with me and dig, we didn't do too bad really. He came over this morning and we tried to rig up these snowshoes that my parents got Todd and I about ten years back. They did their job, even though mine fell off a time or two. (To all you who read this, it is worth it to invest in good shoes.)
Arriving at our predetermined location, we started the laborious task of piling up a crap load of snow. The whole time I was really wishing more diggers could have accompanied us. We eventually got it to where we wanted it and decided to call it a day. Our backs and arms were done. I hit it once just to check the angles, and I think it will be good. I didn't have near enough speed, but I think going back later this week should be a worth while adventure.
Artsy fartsy, taking a picture of someone taking a picture.
The beginnings of a pile.
A mostly done pile.
Put the two above together.... guess what happened.
Shelby dragging his way to the car.
And the reward? 49 cent tacos.
And why is this fun? You should have had at least $1.00 tacos!!!